International Women’s Day 2023



You cannot be what you cannot see. There is no greater truism when it comes to the role of effective role modelling among women around the world. It’s inspiration, however, that awakens us to new possibilities, propelling us forward to strive and achieve. It’s inspiration that encourages us to seize every ordinary moment for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we know it could be.

MARCH 2023

Don’t just take our word for it; studies have shown inspiration can act as a springboard for creativity, and helps facilitate progress towards goals. Some researchers have even developed what they call the ‘Inspiration Scale’ - a tool used by psychologists that measures the frequency with which a person experiences inspiration in their day-to-day lives. Among some of the findings? Inspired people were found to be more open to new experiences, reported elevated feelings of general wellbeing (including heightened self-esteem and optimism) and possessed a stronger drive to master their work.
Inspiration, of course, can come from anyone and anywhere but sowing the initial seeds is firmly within our respective grasps. Set - and celebrate - small accomplishments which could eventually lead to bigger and better things, make time every day for play (even if it’s only for 30 minutes) and keep an open mind about every opportunity that comes your way.
With International Women’s Day firmly in our thoughts, the Oroton team came together to discuss the importance of inspiration and the role it plays in achievement.

“Having impact is about actively making choices about what we spend time on, what we let affect us and what we let wash over us.”
Leading a brand that stands for something in the hearts, minds and wardrobes of so many Australians inspires Oroton CEO Jenny Child every day.

What drew you to your current role?
The brand has a legacy that was already so special and impossible to replicate, and it has started to pick up momentum again. To me, this was a unique jumping off point for me as a leader, a place of credibility that gives us permission to innovate and lead rather than be boxed in by what everyone else does in ‘fashion’ or in ‘retail’. That’s ultimately why I took on this role - it was the bigness of the potential and the unique opportunity to expand our brand platform so that we can have a positive impact on the world, our customers and our people.

What does it mean to be an inspiring woman in 2023?
Being inspiring is about the quality of what’s in your head and your heart and the ability to stitch those two things together to be powerful and strong. I get my confidence from the quality of my thinking and being around others on the team and outside the buisness who inspire me with their thoughts, ideas and passion.

Which figure has inspired you and shaped you to become the woman you are today?
My greatest mentor of my professional career was actually a man - someone who saw something in me that I didn’t yet see in myself, and he helped coach and steer me over a really important and formative decade in my life from my late 20’s to 30’s. He inspired me because he believed in me before I did, and he showed me what great mentorship and sponsorship looked like. Now I am in a position to be able to pay that forward with others.

“We’ve come to recognise there is strength in vulnerability”
Combining her love for fashion with a passion for helping people, People and Culture Business Partner, Faaiza Mohammed is not only shaping Oroton’s company culture, but living her dream.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
My mother instilled in me the importance of hard work, determination and perseverance. Her unwavering positivity has been a constant source of inspiration for me to always do better, accept failure, embrace challenges and maximise potential. She also taught me the value of kindness, empathy, compassion and giving back to others.

What does it mean to be an inspiring woman in 2023?
In the past, the image of a powerful woman was often limited, downplaying emotional intelligence. However, in recent years, our understanding of power has expanded to include a more diverse range of voices and experiences. At present, being an inspiring woman means embracing power by standing up for what you believe in, being a role model and using your voice to advocate positive change and inclusivity.

How can we encourage more women to pursue senior leadership roles in their career?
We need to provide mentorship for career advancement, increase visibility by showcasing successful female leaders as role models, offer flexible work arrangements and address unconscious bias, thus promoting a work culture that embraces diversity and inclusion.

Ambition and leadership come in many different forms”
Self-confessed Oroton ‘superfan’ and General Manager of Merchandising, Jacolene Le Roux was thrilled to discover a career in fashion could combine her two passions: clothing and maths.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
I’m very lucky to have four VERY strong women in my life who inspire me every day: my mum, my two sisters and my 9-year-old niece. Natural leaders, both fierce and kind, these women have perfected the art of making lemonade when life gives you lemons. Their example is a tough gig to follow but keeps me on my toes when it comes to my own personal priorities.

How can we encourage more women to pursue senior leadership roles in their career?
It’s important for women to see their values and goals represented by a variety of like-minded and successful peers in senior positions. I am driven by leaders who are unapologetically themselves and do not conform to an outdated mould. I think it gets much easier for aspiring leaders to visualise themselves leading, when they can see it done without having to compromise on who they are and what they believe in.

Describe an outfit that inspires you to seize the day.
I love wearing great jackets in versatile neutrals. It always elevates the rest of my casual aesthetic and makes me feel like I am dressed and ready for anything that gets thrown at me that day.

“Women inspire other women, just like my grandmother inspired me”
A 19-year Oroton staffer, Store Manager Lee Quinlan has been managing the Oroton Store at Sydney Airport for the past two years.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
My grandmother. Not only did she manage a transport company in a male-dominated age, she was glamorous and fashion-forward. I grew up watching her example of achieving her career goals whilst being the head of the family and admired her for that.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
Having this day as a celebration for the implementation and achievement of women’s rights is important, but for me it’s also a timely reminder that so much more needs to be done to put the spotlight on our domestic violence issue. Yes, we’ve come a long way since the 1900s but we’re not there yet.

It’s International Women’s Day 2050. What changes do you hope we’ll be celebrating?
I hope mothers will have more affordable childcare options so they then have the choice of whether to become a working mum or not. When my daughters were little, that was an option I just didn’t have.

“Inspiration gives me purpose and drive”
Inspired to create and develop from a young age, Product Developer Louise Murer works closely with designers and buyers to develop Oroton’s seasonal collections.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
My mother. She’s a strong businesswoman who showed me the importance of following a career that brings joy and fulfilment to your life while also making time for family. By watching her create and maintain a business from the time I was five years old, I saw firsthand that it was possible to enjoy a solid work/life balance.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s a day to celebrate past, present and future women and to reflect on the progression and opportunities for action that can be for the future.

Describe an outfit that inspires you to seize the day.
Wearing colour always sets my mood so a strong red lip helps me seize the day, making me feeling happy and confident. A feminine dress makes me feel my strongest self but wearing an outfit is so much more than just putting an item of clothing on - it’s all about how you feel that day.



You cannot be what you cannot see. There is no greater truism when it comes to the role of effective role modelling among women around the world. It’s inspiration, however, that awakens us to new possibilities, propelling us forward to strive and achieve. It’s inspiration that encourages us to seize every ordinary moment for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we know it could be.

MARCH 2023

Don’t just take our word for it; studies have shown inspiration can act as a springboard for creativity, and helps facilitate progress towards goals. Some researchers have even developed what they call the ‘Inspiration Scale’ - a tool used by psychologists that measures the frequency with which a person experiences inspiration in their day-to-day lives. Among some of the findings? Inspired people were found to be more open to new experiences, reported elevated feelings of general wellbeing (including heightened self-esteem and optimism) and possessed a stronger drive to master their work.
Inspiration, of course, can come from anyone and anywhere but sowing the initial seeds is firmly within our respective grasps. Set - and celebrate - small accomplishments which could eventually lead to bigger and better things, make time every day for play (even if it’s only for 30 minutes) and keep an open mind about every opportunity that comes your way.
With International Women’s Day firmly in our thoughts, the Oroton team came together to discuss the importance of inspiration and the role it plays in achievement.

“Having impact is about actively making choices about what we spend time on, what we let affect us and what we let wash over us.”
Leading a brand that stands for something in the hearts, minds and wardrobes of so many Australians inspires Oroton CEO Jenny Child every day.

What drew you to your current role?
The brand has a legacy that was already so special and impossible to replicate, and it has started to pick up momentum again. To me, this was a unique jumping off point for me as a leader, a place of credibility that gives us permission to innovate and lead rather than be boxed in by what everyone else does in ‘fashion’ or in ‘retail’. That’s ultimately why I took on this role - it was the bigness of the potential and the unique opportunity to expand our brand platform so that we can have a positive impact on the world, our customers and our people.

What does it mean to be an inspiring woman in 2023?
Being inspiring is about the quality of what’s in your head and your heart and the ability to stitch those two things together to be powerful and strong. I get my confidence from the quality of my thinking and being around others on the team and outside the buisness who inspire me with their thoughts, ideas and passion.

Which figure has inspired you and shaped you to become the woman you are today?
My greatest mentor of my professional career was actually a man - someone who saw something in me that I didn’t yet see in myself, and he helped coach and steer me over a really important and formative decade in my life from my late 20’s to 30’s. He inspired me because he believed in me before I did, and he showed me what great mentorship and sponsorship looked like. Now I am in a position to be able to pay that forward with others.

“We’ve come to recognise there is strength in vulnerability”
Combining her love for fashion with a passion for helping people, People and Culture Business Partner, Faaiza Mohammed is not only shaping Oroton’s company culture, but living her dream.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
My mother instilled in me the importance of hard work, determination and perseverance. Her unwavering positivity has been a constant source of inspiration for me to always do better, accept failure, embrace challenges and maximise potential. She also taught me the value of kindness, empathy, compassion and giving back to others.

What does it mean to be an inspiring woman in 2023?
In the past, the image of a powerful woman was often limited, downplaying emotional intelligence. However, in recent years, our understanding of power has expanded to include a more diverse range of voices and experiences. At present, being an inspiring woman means embracing power by standing up for what you believe in, being a role model and using your voice to advocate positive change and inclusivity.

How can we encourage more women to pursue senior leadership roles in their career?
We need to provide mentorship for career advancement, increase visibility by showcasing successful female leaders as role models, offer flexible work arrangements and address unconscious bias, thus promoting a work culture that embraces diversity and inclusion.

Ambition and leadership come in many different forms”
Self-confessed Oroton ‘superfan’ and General Manager of Merchandising, Jacolene Le Roux was thrilled to discover a career in fashion could combine her two passions: clothing and maths.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
I’m very lucky to have four VERY strong women in my life who inspire me every day: my mum, my two sisters and my 9-year-old niece. Natural leaders, both fierce and kind, these women have perfected the art of making lemonade when life gives you lemons. Their example is a tough gig to follow but keeps me on my toes when it comes to my own personal priorities.

How can we encourage more women to pursue senior leadership roles in their career?
It’s important for women to see their values and goals represented by a variety of like-minded and successful peers in senior positions. I am driven by leaders who are unapologetically themselves and do not conform to an outdated mould. I think it gets much easier for aspiring leaders to visualise themselves leading, when they can see it done without having to compromise on who they are and what they believe in.

Describe an outfit that inspires you to seize the day.
I love wearing great jackets in versatile neutrals. It always elevates the rest of my casual aesthetic and makes me feel like I am dressed and ready for anything that gets thrown at me that day.

“Women inspire other women, just like my grandmother inspired me”
A 29-year Oroton veteran, Store Manager Lee Quinlan has been managing the Oroton Store at Sydney Airport for the past two years.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
My grandmother. Not only did she manage a transport company in a male-dominated age, she was glamorous and fashion-forward. I grew up watching her example of achieving her career goals whilst being the head of the family and admired her for that.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
Having this day as a celebration for the implementation and achievement of women’s rights is important, but for me it’s also a timely reminder that so much more needs to be done to put the spotlight on our domestic violence issue. Yes, we’ve come a long way since the 1900s but we’re not there yet.

It’s International Women’s Day 2050. What changes do you hope we’ll be celebrating?
I hope mothers will have more affordable childcare options so they then have the choice of whether to become a working mum or not. When my daughters were little, that was an option I just didn’t have.

“Inspiration gives me purpose and drive”
Inspired to create and develop from a young age, Product Developer Louise Murer works closely with designers and buyers to develop Oroton’s seasonal collections.

Which female figure inspired you to become the woman you are today?
My mother. She’s a strong businesswoman who showed me the importance of following a career that brings joy and fulfilment to your life while also making time for family. By watching her create and maintain a business from the time I was five years old, I saw firsthand that it was possible to enjoy a solid work/life balance.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s a day to celebrate past, present and future women and to reflect on the progression and opportunities for action that can be for the future.

Describe an outfit that inspires you to seize the day.
Wearing colour always sets my mood so a strong red lip helps me seize the day, making me feeling happy and confident. A feminine dress makes me feel my strongest self but wearing an outfit is so much more than just putting an item of clothing on - it’s all about how you feel that day.